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Things to know

CreditSmart sets out what is both credit reporting, and also what is comprehensive credit reporting

It is important to emphasise to the consumer that credit reporting is subject to stringent legal requirements.

You may also find that in helping a consumer to understand credit reporting and comprehensive credit reporting, as well as explaining what it is, it may also help dispel myths and explain it is not (and what it does not involve). In particular, the credit reporting system does not include information about:

  • Real estate or tenancies (e.g. a rental history)
  • Savings accounts
  • Employment information (other than name of employer)
  • Fines and criminal convictions

What is comprehensive credit reporting (CCR)?

Credit reports include different types of information; the full list is contained here 

Comprehensive credit reporting information means information about:

  1. A consumer’s current credit accounts, and any accounts they have closed in the past 2 years, also known as consumer credit liability information (CCLI). This includes the name of the credit provider, the type of credit, the open and close date for the credit, the credit limit, whether the credit is held jointly or solely in the name of the consumer.
  2. Payment information also known as ‘repayment history information’ (RHI). This includes a 24-month-by-month record of repayments for the consumer’s credit

Who reports CCR?

CreditSmart includes the list of credit providers who report CCR:

It is important to remember:

  • Only credit providers who hold an Australian Credit Licence (ACL) are able to report repayment history information (RHI); although all credit providers may report CCLI. To work out if a credit provider holds an ACL or credit licence search the ‘credit licensee’ register provided by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) 
  • There are a small number of credit providers who report CCR but have not provided consent to being included on this list.
  • Credit providers who report negative information only (credit enquiries, default information) will not be included on this list.

How to explain a credit report to a consumer

CreditSmart sets out an explanation of the information you can expect to see on a credit report (Credit report summary - CreditSmart), and what it all means. 

In explaining this to consumers, remember that they are able to access a credit report with each of the three credit reporting bodies 

Things to know and explain to consumers:

  • The way that information is presented in a credit report by each credit reporting body will be different. For example, headings may differ or the way things like repayment history information are presented may look a bit different. However, if the same information is included on the credit report, it should still have the same meaning.
  • Each credit reporting body may also hold different information for each consumer. This is because credit providers have different commercial arrangements with credit reporting bodies. Some will have arrangements with all three credit reporting bodies, but some may only deal with one or two credit reporting bodies.
  • For a consumer to have a full picture of what information may have been reported by their credit providers, they are best to get a free credit report from each of the credit reporting bodies.
  • A consumer can access a free credit report from each of the credit reporting bodies once every 3 months. To be clear, this means that every 3 months, the consumer can receive 3 credit reports for free - one from each credit reporting body.

Comprehensive Credit Reporting Participants

Regional Australia Bank logo

June 2022

Azora dark 1000 logo

August 2022


August 2022

QC Logo Bank HOR RGB

September 2022

AFG Logo

September 2022


October 2022

HumeBank Logo BLUE RGB

January 2023

Coastline Logo Vector

January 2023

Brighte logo green

February 2023

GatewayBank Landscape logo

March 2023

Heritage Bank logo

March 2023

EBP Money Logo

March 2023

Sucasa Primary Logo Off Black

March 2023

Bridgit Logo Positive PNG 3

May 2023

Revolut Black BG W P0.5

June 2023


July 2023

Plenti logo

February 2016

Wisr logo

May 2016

Moneyplace logo

May 2017

SocietyOne logo

November 2017

NAB logo

February 2018

HSBC logo

March 2018

Now finance logo

May 2018

Harmoney logo

June 2018

Teachers Mutual Bank logo

June 2018

UniBank logo

June 2018

Firefighters Mutual Bank logo

June 2018

Health Professionals Bank logo

June 2018

Newcastle permanent

July 2018

Westpac logo

September 2018

ANZ logo

September 2018

Commonwealth Bank logo

September 2018

Bank West logo

September 2018

St.George logo

September 2018

Bank of Melbourne logo

September 2018

Bank SA logo

September 2018

MyStateBank logo

November 2018

Latitude financial services logo

December 2018

Moneyme logo

December 2018

Great Southern Bank logo

March 2019

GreaterBank logo

May 2019

Pepper Money logo

May 2019

Me Bank logo

June 2019

Australian Military Bank logo

July 2019

American Express logo

July 2019

Humm logo

July 2019

Rams logo

September 2019

Taurus Motor Finance logo

October 2019

Fair go logo

October 2019

First Mac logo

November 2019

AMP logo

November 2019

Macquarie logo

December 2019

Athena logo

February 2020

ING Primary Logo RGB

February 2020

Illawarra Credit Union logo

February 2020

Suncorp logo

June 2020

ThinkTank RGB

June 2020

Qudos Bank logo

August 2020

Alex logo

September 2020

Beyond logo

October 2020

Bank First logo

November 2020

RACV logo

January 2021

P&N Bank logo

January 2021

Bendigo t

February 2021

Adelaide t

February 2021

Bank Australia logo

April 2021

People's Choice logo

June 2021

PRA group logo

June 2021

New Logo 1000x1000 3

July 2021

Keystart logo

August 2021

VWFS SOB Logo TKTM grad RGB S 2row

October 2021


October 2021

Grow Logo

November 2021

Source Logo High Res No BG

December 2021

2Be Logo copy

March 2022

MOVE BANK LOGO horizontal colour

April 2022

Metro Logo Screen Landscape Orange RGB

May 2022

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